Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Pre – Historical Park of Leang – Leang

Leang-leang Park has several caves where the historical paintings about 5.000 years old are found. They are being preserved through careful care and accurate management. Archeologists state that some of the caves were occupied from 8.000-3.000 B.C. These caves have become a source of information particularly pre-history not only South Sulawesi but also Southeast Asia.
The number of sea–shells outside the caves shows the evidence that the coastal life once existed in this site. It is also to notice that in the last five to eight thousands years, during the Mesolithic age, human lived in cave. The traces of prints of their palms can be seen on the caves wall.
The Pre-historical Park of Leang-leang is located 40 km from Makassar, in the rank of quartz hills, Leang-leang Village, Kalabbirang. 
-       Park : taman
-       Several : beberapa
-       Caves : gua-gua
-       Paintings : lukisan
-       Preserved : memelihara
-       Particularly : secara khusus
-       Sea-shells : kerang laut
-       Age : masa

1.       What kind of the text above ?
2.       Write at least three sentence with the past form !
3.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this grave as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       What we can find in the leang-leang cave ?
2.       How old the paintings in the cave ?
3.       Archeologists state that some of the caves were occupied from … or … BC
4.       The finding of sea-shells give a proof that ? 

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