Senin, 28 Mei 2012


Bugis, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic groups are well-known as brave and heroic sailors. Their sailing boats and ships, for hundreds years, have sailed to Madagascar Island, close to Africa, Australia, and some other small islands in the middle of Pacific Ocean. When sailing, they determined direction by relying on the stars. They also predicted the weather by simply looking at the nature such as the clouds. In order to know the current depth and the coral area, they would know simply by smelling the air.

Paotere is the harbour of traditional south Sulawesi sailing vessels. They came to travel to all parts of Indonesia. The anchored sailing vessels are varied in styles and shapes, such as Phinisi, Lambo, and others. It is a fascinating and amazing scene of masts standing side by side with the mosques and houses nearby. It is even more beautiful and fascinating at sunset.This harbour is located on the North Western part of the city on Sabutung Street. 

-       Ethnic : etnis
-       Group : kelompok
-       Brave : berani
-       Heroic : kepahlawanan
-       Ocean : samudera
-       Determined weather : menentukan cuaca  
-       Vessels : kapal
-       Anchored : berlabuh
-       Fascinating :  mempesona/daya tarik
-       Masts : tiang kapal

1.       What kind of the text above ?
2.       Write down at least three sentences with the past form !
1.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this harbor as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       In the past, the sailor from Sulawesi have sailed till ?
2.       Based from the text, The sailor from Bugis, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic groups are well-known as ?
3.       How their way in determine the direction when sailing ?
4.       What kind of ships that we can find in this harbor ?
5.       Where is the location of this harbor ? 

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