Selasa, 01 Mei 2012


Fort Rotterdam also knows as Benteng Makassar. It is one example of the past kingdom of Sulawesi’s greatness. The Gowa Kingdom was the strongest and the most glorious kingdom during the 16th century . At the time, Makassar was known as a trading city.
Viewed from the sea, the Kingdom of Gowa, was completely fortified. This kingdom possessed 17 forts protected the city and surrounding area. In the year of 1669, when Gowa was under the power of the Dutch, all forts but Fort Makassar were destroyed.Fort Makassar was built in 1545 by the Xth King of Gowa. His name isI Marigau. Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung, also known as Karaeng Tunipallangga Ulaweng. The basic form of this fort is a square with Portuguese architecture. It was made of clay based on the model of the European forts during the 16th and 17th century, with the additional triangle protrusion added to the basic form of the fort, making it looks like a turtle shape. This identifies the Gowa Kingdom as a maritime kingdom. This fort was as the protector of the capital city Makassar.
During the Dutch colonialism, the fort was rebuilt and renamed “Fort Rotterdam”. In that period, the fort and its area was the center of the government and commerce activities. During the Japanese colonialism the fort functioned as the center of archeological and language studies.
At present, the buildings in the fort are utilized by the Pre-historic and Historic Preservation Affairs (Suaka Peninggalan Sejarah dan Purbakala), Cultural Center (Arts, dance music, etc.) including the public museum.This museum displays and preserves various historical objects, manuscripts, statues, ceramics, traditional clothes, and other cultural objects from the ethnics groups in South Sulawesi.
  • Location
Fort Rotterdam is located on the coast of north western part of Makassar City or in Ujung Pandang Street


-          Fort : benteng
-          Strongest : terkuat
-          Glorious : kejayaan
-          Protected : melindungi
-          Dutch : belanda (penjajah)
-          Statues : patung 


    1.       Fort Rotterdam also known as ?
    2.       Who is the King who built the fort ?
    3.       This fort is made based on the architecture of ?

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