Senin, 28 Mei 2012

The Cemetery of Prince Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro, the son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III of Yogyakarta, is one of the kings from the oldest kingdom of Java. He faught against the Dutch in the Java Wars in 1825–1830. The war exploded due to his rejection of the Dutch colonial’s policies; the raising of the tax and the acquisition.  Prince Diponegoro was eventually caught exiled to Manado, and was later moved back to Makassar, where he was firstly arrested. He died in Makassar in 1855. His tomb was built in the family graveyard. It is still preserved to this day.. Although he is from a different kingdom, with the approval from the java government, his tomb was built in Makassar.The tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin is in the Pangeran Diponegoro Street 55, Melayu Village, Wajo Sub-district. 

source : 

-       Prince : pangeran
-       Oldest : tertua
-       Java ; jawa
-       Exploded : meletus
-       Rejection : penolakan
-       Policies : kebijakan
-       Tax  : pajak
-       Exiled : dibuang
-       Caught : penangkapan

1.       Write at least three sentences with the past form !
2.       What kind of the text above ?
3.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this grave as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       The prince diponegoro is a son from ?
2.       Java wars is happened in ?
3.       What is the causes of this wars ?
4.       Before exiled to Makassar, prince diponegoro exiled to ?
5.       Where is the location of this grave ? 

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