Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Cultural Tour Object Of Maudu Lompoa

Maudu Lompoa is a mix between cultural and religion. It is held every year to commemorating The Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday. The ceremony is a very large birthday celebration. Each family in the community will spend a lot of money for this ritual. On the beach, the ships are decorated with colorful cloths, sarongs and large baskets full of food. This ceremony is held in Cikoang Village, 15 km from Takalar and 55 km from Makassar.

-       Mix : campuran
-       Held : dilaksanakan
-       Commemorating : mengenang
-       Ceremony : upacara 
-       Celebration : perayaan
-       Baskets : keranjang/bakul

1.        What kind of the text above ?
2.        Write a conclusion sentence based on the text above !
3.        In your opinion, what we must do to develope this pre-historical park as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !
1.       The maudu’ lompoa is healed for ?
2.       Maudu’ Lompoa is a mix between ?
3.       Where is the location of this celebration ?

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Pre–historical Park of Batu Gojeng

The stones found in this park are regarded as unique artifacts. They reveal the ancient life by seeing the age of the stones. It is believed that these stones are from pre-history time’s become Islam came in . It is proved by the existence of 11 graves and 90 chiseled stones which were used for various needs, including water bins, and rice barns. From this spot, Sinjai can be seen clearly.This garden is located in Biringere in the northern Sinjai, 85 m above the sea level.

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-       Park : taman
-       Regarded : dihormati
-       Reveal : terbongkar
-       Ancient : kuno
-       Proved : dibuktikan

1.       What kind of the text above ?
2.       What kind of tenses that used in the text above ?
3.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this pre-historical park as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       How we can see the age of the stones ?
2.       The proof that this park existed in pre-historic time is seen from ?
3.       How many graves that we can find in this park ? 

Pre – Historical Park of Leang – Leang

Leang-leang Park has several caves where the historical paintings about 5.000 years old are found. They are being preserved through careful care and accurate management. Archeologists state that some of the caves were occupied from 8.000-3.000 B.C. These caves have become a source of information particularly pre-history not only South Sulawesi but also Southeast Asia.
The number of sea–shells outside the caves shows the evidence that the coastal life once existed in this site. It is also to notice that in the last five to eight thousands years, during the Mesolithic age, human lived in cave. The traces of prints of their palms can be seen on the caves wall.
The Pre-historical Park of Leang-leang is located 40 km from Makassar, in the rank of quartz hills, Leang-leang Village, Kalabbirang. 
-       Park : taman
-       Several : beberapa
-       Caves : gua-gua
-       Paintings : lukisan
-       Preserved : memelihara
-       Particularly : secara khusus
-       Sea-shells : kerang laut
-       Age : masa

1.       What kind of the text above ?
2.       Write at least three sentence with the past form !
3.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this grave as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       What we can find in the leang-leang cave ?
2.       How old the paintings in the cave ?
3.       Archeologists state that some of the caves were occupied from … or … BC
4.       The finding of sea-shells give a proof that ? 

The Cemetery of Prince Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro, the son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III of Yogyakarta, is one of the kings from the oldest kingdom of Java. He faught against the Dutch in the Java Wars in 1825–1830. The war exploded due to his rejection of the Dutch colonial’s policies; the raising of the tax and the acquisition.  Prince Diponegoro was eventually caught exiled to Manado, and was later moved back to Makassar, where he was firstly arrested. He died in Makassar in 1855. His tomb was built in the family graveyard. It is still preserved to this day.. Although he is from a different kingdom, with the approval from the java government, his tomb was built in Makassar.The tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin is in the Pangeran Diponegoro Street 55, Melayu Village, Wajo Sub-district. 

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-       Prince : pangeran
-       Oldest : tertua
-       Java ; jawa
-       Exploded : meletus
-       Rejection : penolakan
-       Policies : kebijakan
-       Tax  : pajak
-       Exiled : dibuang
-       Caught : penangkapan

1.       Write at least three sentences with the past form !
2.       What kind of the text above ?
3.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this grave as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       The prince diponegoro is a son from ?
2.       Java wars is happened in ?
3.       What is the causes of this wars ?
4.       Before exiled to Makassar, prince diponegoro exiled to ?
5.       Where is the location of this grave ? 


Bugis, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic groups are well-known as brave and heroic sailors. Their sailing boats and ships, for hundreds years, have sailed to Madagascar Island, close to Africa, Australia, and some other small islands in the middle of Pacific Ocean. When sailing, they determined direction by relying on the stars. They also predicted the weather by simply looking at the nature such as the clouds. In order to know the current depth and the coral area, they would know simply by smelling the air.

Paotere is the harbour of traditional south Sulawesi sailing vessels. They came to travel to all parts of Indonesia. The anchored sailing vessels are varied in styles and shapes, such as Phinisi, Lambo, and others. It is a fascinating and amazing scene of masts standing side by side with the mosques and houses nearby. It is even more beautiful and fascinating at sunset.This harbour is located on the North Western part of the city on Sabutung Street. 

-       Ethnic : etnis
-       Group : kelompok
-       Brave : berani
-       Heroic : kepahlawanan
-       Ocean : samudera
-       Determined weather : menentukan cuaca  
-       Vessels : kapal
-       Anchored : berlabuh
-       Fascinating :  mempesona/daya tarik
-       Masts : tiang kapal

1.       What kind of the text above ?
2.       Write down at least three sentences with the past form !
1.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this harbor as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       In the past, the sailor from Sulawesi have sailed till ?
2.       Based from the text, The sailor from Bugis, Makassar, and Mandar ethnic groups are well-known as ?
3.       How their way in determine the direction when sailing ?
4.       What kind of ships that we can find in this harbor ?
5.       Where is the location of this harbor ? 

The Tomb Of Sultan Hasanuddin

Sultan Hasanuddin (1629–1670) was a king of Gowa who devoted his life to fight against the Dutch. His grave is among the graves of the Kings of Gowa. Their graves markers are made of huge stones. Among the graves, Sultan Hasanuddin’s is the largest.
All of the king’s graves are surrounded by fragrant trees such as Kamboja and Flamboyan. On the outside of the graveyard, a large stone called ‘Pallantikang’. The stone claimed as the place where the “Tomanurung“ was firstly stepped on her feet after down to earth in form of tremendous light. She is mentioned as an angel sent to be the first queen in Gowa. Pallantikang then treated as a place to inaugurate the King of Gowa. The tomb is on Kalegowa Hill, Katangka, Sumba Opu Sub-district.
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-       Devoted : mengabdikan  
-       Against : menentang
-       Fragrant : wewangian
-       Graveyard : pemakaman
-       Inaugurate : pelantikan
1.       What kind of the text above ?
2.       What kind of tenses that used in this text ?
3.       In your opinion, what we must do to developed this graveyard as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !

1.       Sultan hasanuddin devoted his self to fight against ?
2.       Who is the king with the largest grave in this king’s graveyard ?
3.       What kind of the fragrant trees that used in this graveyard ?