Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Cultural Tour Object Of Maudu Lompoa

Maudu Lompoa is a mix between cultural and religion. It is held every year to commemorating The Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday. The ceremony is a very large birthday celebration. Each family in the community will spend a lot of money for this ritual. On the beach, the ships are decorated with colorful cloths, sarongs and large baskets full of food. This ceremony is held in Cikoang Village, 15 km from Takalar and 55 km from Makassar.

-       Mix : campuran
-       Held : dilaksanakan
-       Commemorating : mengenang
-       Ceremony : upacara 
-       Celebration : perayaan
-       Baskets : keranjang/bakul

1.        What kind of the text above ?
2.        Write a conclusion sentence based on the text above !
3.        In your opinion, what we must do to develope this pre-historical park as a tourism place ? write at least 3 paragraph !
1.       The maudu’ lompoa is healed for ?
2.       Maudu’ Lompoa is a mix between ?
3.       Where is the location of this celebration ?

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